Double Tap

Double Tap can be used to select items or provide a hierarchical selection structure when combined with other forms of Tap.

Drag returns the horizontal and vertical magnitude of change between the user touching and removing their touch from a multitouch surface.

Flick returns max velocity values for vertical and horizontal elements of the flick gesture.

Hold returns the horizontal and vertical position of multiple points when a user touches a multitouch surface over an extended period of time.

Orient enables the ability for objects to "right" themselves based on a user's finger-position.

Pivot allows objects to rotate/spin on an axis based on a user's touch point that is off-center.

Scroll allows a user to shift an object in a locked vertical direction via multiple touch points.

Swipe returns max velocity values for vertical and horizontal elements of the swipe gesture.

Tap can be used to select items, click links, and more. The tap is typically used in the same context(s) as a 'mouse click' event in a traditional user interface (UI).
Triple Tap

Triple Tap can be used to select items or provide a hierarchical selection structure when combined with other forms of Tap.