An information age is upon us. In no other sphere is this as evident as in the world of mobile devices. From the quantity of available hardware, software and network options to the magnitude of data being generated by mobile devices right now across the world, nothing else compares. The notion of a personal communication device has universal appeal, regardless of an individual’s level of prior experience, income or education. The mobile device has reached people in places where technology has not gone before from the African savannah to the mountains of Nepal. Designers, manufacturers and researchers alike proclaim ease of use, user centered design, focus on the user experience and technological improvements in battery life, display resolution, and wireless network infrastructure to be key factors in the uptake of mobile devices. They are indeed, the first piece of technology of any kind to break through to the ‘bottom billion’ so to speak. Will mobile devices completely supplant traditional computing devices and transform our current notions of how computers should look, feel and be interacted with?